
三、文意選塡(10%) 說明:第31題至第40題,每題一個空格,請依文意在文章後所提供的
(A)到⑴選項中分 別選出最適當者,並將其英文字母代號畫記在答案卡之「選擇題答案區」。各題 答對得1分;未作答、答錯、或畫記多於一個選項者,該題以零分計算。 第31至40題爲題組 Slowly, the silent killer from the skies creeps upon its unsuspecting victims, moving across the planet's surface like a dark cloud. The planet's inhabitants go about their daily routines, 31 of the danger looming above them. Without warning, the killer falls upon its victims. It eats away at buildings and cars. It poisons the earth, choking the plants and trees. It makes the water toxic, turning the lakes into acid and thus 32 the fish. It jeopardizes the animals and people, with the young and the weak the first to die. No,it is not a(n) 33 monster from a science fiction movie. It is real. It is acid rain. Acid rain looks and feels like normal rain, but it contains two chemicals that are 34 in large amounts— sulfuric acid and nitric acid. These acids are formed when people burn 35 fuels such as coal and petroleum. After they enter the air, 36 from these fuels combine with water in the clouds to form acid rain. When acid rain falls on the ground, 37 in the soil are washed away before the plants can use them. Acid rain also causes the ground to release toxic metals such as aluminum. Acid rain washes nutriment and toxic metals into rivers,lakes, and streams. The chemical mixture,in turn, 38 the water, putting the fish and other animals underwater in peril. We can stop acid rain only if we stop polluting our planet. A good way to start is by using environmentally friendly means of transportation as often as possible. Businesses and governments must find cleaner ways to run their factories and power their cities 39 . Then, with enough time, the earth could start to fight back and 40 itself. If we all do our part, acid rain can be beaten.
(A) fossil
(B) unaware
(C) nutrients
(D) pollutants
(E) heal (AB) as well (AC) contaminates (AD) imaginary (AE) exterminating (BC) fatal


三、文意選塡(10%) 說明:第31題至第40題,每題一個空格,請依文意在..-阿摩線上測驗