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三、綜合測驗:請依據篇章上下文意,選出最適當的答案。 Passage 1: Questions 26-30 From the beginning, the literature of America has been created by the many voices of its diverse people. Before the Europeans came to settle in the 1500’s and 1600’s, the many tribes of Native Americans created a rich oral heritage of songs, chants, and tales. __(26)__ the arrival of white settlers, America’s formal literature began: first in travel books, then in religious writing, finally in the poems, novels, and plays that would __(27)__ record and reflect America’s national development. Over the past four centuries, as the country expanded politically and economically, literature has expressed the aspirations and achievements of all the races and creeds that make up the nation. __(28)__ began as a small and elite literary culture on the eastern seaboard has grown to encompass a sprawling modern society. In spite of their __(29)__, almost all Americans have shared a commitment to their country’s democratic possibilities and a fascination with the meaning of American identity; these two __(30)__ have been recurrent topics in American literature.
(A) eventually
(B) nowhere
(C) tentatively
(D) peripherally
(E) therefore

難度: 適中
Mr.Fat 高二上 (2019/10/18)
tentatively 暫時地pe........


三、綜合測驗:請依據篇章上下文意,選出最適當的答案。 Passage 1: Q..-阿摩線上測驗