

二、句子配合題(5%) 說明︰1. 第16至20題,每題皆為未完成的句子。請逐題依文意與語法,從右欄
(A) 到(J)的選項中選出最適當者,合併成一個意思通順、用法正確的句子。 2. 請將每題所選答案之英文字母代號標示在答案卡之「選擇題答案區」。 每題答對得1分,答錯不倒扣。 (AB).…can you succeed in achieving your goal. (AC).…moved into a new apartment. (AD).…more than a copy of the other. (AE).…don’t lose any opportunity. (BC).…no place is like home. (BD).…after proposing a new plan to the company. (BE)…and it is improper to say so. (CD)…trying to make him relaxed. (CE)….very anxious to carry out the project. (DE).…is why John failed in this exam.

【題組】17. What I can never understand

難度: 適中
方蔥香 小三上 (2018/10/27)

What I can never understand is why John failed in this exam.

二、句子配合題(5%) 說明︰1.第16至20題,每題皆為未完成的句子。請逐題..-阿摩線上測驗