
二、CLOZE Anne Boleyn, a lively young woman living at the court of King Henry VIII, played a __36__ role in English history. At the time, King Henry was growing __37__ his first wife, Catherine of Aragon, who had failed to give him a son and heir. Henry wanted a __38__ male heir to insure that his family would continue to rule England after his death. King Henry fell in love with Anne Boleyn and wanted to marry her. He expected that the pope would allow him to quietly __39__ his marriage to Catherine, such expedient measures being fairly common among the royalty of Europe at that time. However, the pope was anxious to please Henry’s __40__, the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V, and continually refused the English king’s request. Due to his __41__ with Anne Boleyn and his eagerness for a male heir, Henry broke relations with the Roman Catholic Church, beginning the English Reformation. King Henry was not able to produce a male heir with Anne, and eventually had her __42__ for treason and beheaded. __43__, she did give Henry an heir, who would become one of the greatest __44__ in English history. Anne’s daughter grew up to be Elizabeth I, during __45__ long reign England became a leading world power.
(A) monarchs
(B) ringleaders
(C) atheists
(D) authors

難度: 簡單
tn7612 高三下 (2017/06/24)
(A) monarch 君主(B) ri☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ...

Shuang 大一上 (2022/06/14)
(A) monarch 君主
(B) ringleader 領袖 
(C) atheist 無神論者
(D) author 作者

二、CLOZE Anne Boleyn, a lively young woma..-阿摩線上測驗