
四、篇章結構:請依文意選出最適合的一個答案,每個選項只能使用一次,每題 2 分,共 10 分。                  Influencing operates on a seemingly straightforward premise. Companies from the likes of Airbnb to Amazon to Louis Vuitton pay people with a lot of followers on social media to market their products. These creators then craft content, predominantly in the form of videos, wherein they extol the virtues of said products and services, often adding a discount code to entice their followers. But over the last few years, another trend has emerged: de-influencing. Last year, TikTok posts tagged #deinfluencing drew more than 750 million views. __(31)__ 
       While the movement’s precise origins are difficult to pinpoint, discontent with influencer culture has been mounting online for years. __(32)__ Deinfluencing, according to environmental educator Isaias Hernandez, is a rapidly growing trend that purports to educate the general public on the need to divest away from obtaining or upholding an excess of products that are not needed in our daily lives. Instead of propping products up, deinfluencers tend to caution their followers against purchasing items—whether because it’s overpriced, potentially harmful, or ethically questionable.
     __(33)__ Not everyone is sold on it. Some see deinfluencing as a savvy marketing ploy in its own right, just another bandwagon for opportunists to jump on and figure out how they can capitalize on it. The odds are that some deinfluencers are getting paid by rival brands to disparage products. For example, they may discourage viewers from buying a lip gloss which costs $ 42 but recommend a $10 lip gloss instead. There are those, nonetheless, who maintain that deinfluencing can bring about positive change. Adherents of the trend argue that many deinfluencers still dedicate themselves to spreading a deeper message to their followers about the cost of waste associated with fashion or beauty industries and how to live sustainably in a way that helps the planet. __(34)__ It prompts businesses to work harder on product transparency and ethical marketing practices, if they would like to mitigate the impact of deinfluencing and develop lasting connections with consumers. 
       Although its long-term impacts on the environment and society remain to be seen, deinfluencing has evolved from a backlash to mass advertising to a more nuanced discussion around overconsumption. __(35)__ This fosters a culture of mindful consumption and minimalism. No matter what, perhaps the key for consumers is not swallowing everything you see on TikTok, YouTube or Instagram hook, line and sinker. That way, you don’t need to be deinfluenced. 
 (AB) The movement encourages individuals to exercise discernment before succumbing to the allure of influencerendorsed products. 
(AC) Furthermore, deinfluencing helps promote honest conversations about products. 
(AD) Is deinfluencing just the opposite of influencing? Yes, but with some caveats.
(AE) Is deinfluencing a bona fide antidote to the gluttonous consumerism of the internet age?
(BC) The 2024 Consumer Buying Habits Report also shows that over one-third of consumers have opted out of purchases due to negative online reviews or influencer criticism (deinfluencing).
(BD) This hints the need for brands to adjust their marketing strategies to resonate with the specific media consumption preferences of their target audience.
(BE) NPR once surveyed its readers about their relationship with social media and heard from dozens of people who relayed being fed up with constant advertising on social media, feeling buyer's remorse after following an influencer's recommendation.

【題組】34. (AB) The movement encourages individuals to exercise discernment before succumbing to the allure of influencerendorsed products. (AC) Furthermore, deinfluencing helps promote honest conversations about products. (AD) Is deinfluencing just the opposite of influencing? Yes, but with some caveats. (AE) Is deinfluencing a bona fide antidote to the gluttonous consumerism of the internet age? (BC) The 2024 Consumer Buying Habits Report also shows that over one-third of consumers have opted out of purchases due to negative online reviews or influencer criticism (deinfluencing). (BD) This hints the need for brands to adjust their marketing strategies to resonate with the specific media consumption preferences of their target audience. (BE) NPR once surveyed its readers about their relationship with social media and heard from dozens of people who relayed being fed up with constant advertising on social media, feeling buyer's remorse after following an influencer's recommendation.

難度: 計算中

倒數 8時 ,已有 1 則答案
Samoyed 高三下 (2024/04/21):

Influencing operates on a seemingly straightforward premise. Companies from the likes of Airbnb to Amazon to Louis Vuitton pay people with a lot of followers on social media to market their products. These creators then craft content, predominantly in the form of videos, wherein they extol the virtues of said products and services, often adding a discount code to entice their followers. But over the last few years, another trend has emerged: de-influencing. Last year, TikTok posts tagged #deinfluencing drew more than 750 million views. (31)

在一個表面上看似簡單的前提下,推廣運作著。從 Airbnb 到亞馬遜再到路易威登等公司,都會支付在社交媒體上擁有大量追隨者的人來推廣他們的產品。這些創作者們主要以視頻形式製作內容,稱頌這些產品和服務的優點,通常還會添加折扣碼來吸引他們的追隨者。但在過去幾年中,另一種趨勢已經出現:去推廣化。去年,標記為 #去推廣 的 TikTok 帖子觀看量超過了7.5億次。

While the movement’s precise origins are difficult to pinpoint, discontent with influencer culture has been mounting online for years. (32) Deinfluencing, according to environmental educator Isaias Hernandez, is a rapidly growing trend that purports to educate the general public on the need to divest away from obtaining or upholding an excess of products that are not needed in our daily lives. Instead of propping products up, deinfluencers tend to caution their followers against purchasing items—whether because it’s overpriced, potentially harmful, or ethically questionable.


(33) Not everyone is sold on it. Some see deinfluencing as a savvy marketing ploy in its own right, just another bandwagon for opportunists to jump on and figure out how they can capitalize on it. The odds are that some deinfluencers are getting paid by rival brands to disparage products. For example, they may discourage viewers from buying a lip gloss which costs $42 but recommend a $10 lip gloss instead. There are those, nonetheless, who maintain that deinfluencing can bring about positive change. Adherents of the trend argue that many deinfluencers still dedicate themselves to spreading a deeper message to their followers about the cost of waste associated with fashion or beauty industries and how to live sustainably in a way that helps the planet. (34) It prompts businesses to work harder on product transparency and ethical marketing practices, if they would like to mitigate the impact of deinfluencing and develop lasting connections with consumers.

然而,並非所有人都接受這一觀點。有些人認為去推廣只是一種狡猾的營銷策略,只是另一種機會主義者可以跳上的馬車,並找出如何利用它的方法。有可能一些去推廣者是被競爭對手品牌支付費用來詆毀產品的。例如,他們可能會建議觀眾不要購買一支唇彩,售價為 42 美元,而是推薦一支價格為 10 美元的唇彩。儘管如此,仍然有人認為去推廣可以帶來積極的改變。該趨勢的支持者們主張,許多去推廣者仍然致力於向他們的追隨者傳達有關與時尚或美容行業相關的浪費成本以及如何以有助於地球的方式可持續生活的更深層次的信息。(34) 它促使企業更加努力地進行產品透明度和道德營銷實踐,如果他們希望減輕去推廣的影響並與消費者建立持久的聯繫。

Although its long-term impacts on the environment and society remain to be seen, deinfluencing has evolved from a backlash to mass advertising to a more nuanced discussion around overconsumption. (35) This fosters a culture of mindful consumption and minimalism. No matter what, perhaps the key for consumers is not swallowing everything you see on TikTok, YouTube or Instagram hook, line and sinker. That way, you don’t need to be deinfluenced.

儘管其對環境和社會的長期影響尚待觀察,但去推廣已從對大規模廣告的反彈演變為對過度消費的更為細緻的討論。(35) 這有助於培養一種審慎消費和極簡主義的文化。無論如何,對於消費者來說,也許關鍵在於不要對TikTok、YouTube或Instagram上所看到的一切都全盤接受。這樣,你就不需要被去推廣所影響。


四、篇章結構:請依文意選出最適合的一個答案,每個選項只能使用一次,每題 2 分,..-阿摩線上測驗