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四、閱讀測驗【請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案】 第一篇: Research has shown that reality TV has an impact on the values of young girls and how they view real-life situations. Reality television is a big part of our television viewing culture. It may be clear to many adults that not all is real in the world of reality TV. However, how do children and adolescents understand the world of reality TV? What could reality TV be teaching adolescent girls, in particular, about what is valued in the real world? And, how does it affect their attitudes, beliefs, self-image, and behavior? Many reality shows portray women idealizing beauty and thinness, giving the impression that a woman’s value is based on her appearance, and that popularity is derived from beauty. Competition shows such as America’s Next Top Model promote this ideal, as women compete with one another to gain a modeling contract that can help them make lots of money. Other common values emphasized by reality TV include materialism, and an idealization of a hard-partying and celebrity lifestyle without regard for consequences. Both Rich Kids of Beverly Hills and Shahs of Sunset feature the lives of privileged young adults living in southern California. They take expensive trips, wear designer clothes, spend a lot of money on parties, and are rarely seen working regular jobs. While reality TV seems to place emphasis on sex appeal, materialism, and hard-partying, it does not emphasize the fact that many women on these shows are highly intelligent and successful in their real lives. For instance, Adrienne Maloof, a former cast member on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, is a successful business woman as a co-owner of several companies. However, it was her divorce and quarrels with other female cast members that were her main focus on the show.
【題組】42. Why does the author mention Adrienne Maloof in the passage?
(A)To show how reality TV fails to emphasize intelligence and success of women in the shows
(B) To provide an example of how reality TV promotes beauty and thinness
(C) To illustrate the importance of wearing designer clothes in reality TV shows
(D) To prove that successful women are often divorced and cannot get along with others

難度: 簡單
C.c. Hung 國三下 (2017/10/18)

業精於勤,事立於豫 研一下 (2018/04/30)

42. Why does the ☆☆☆☆☆☆ ...


四、閱讀測驗【請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案】 第一篇: Resear..-阿摩線上測驗