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四、閱讀測驗【請在下列各題中選出最適當的答案】 Have you ever wondered where the name “America” came from? Why aren’t the continents of North and South America called “Columbusia” after Christopher Columbus? The word “America” actually came from Amerigo Vespucci, a 15-century Italian explorer. Who made the decision? A mapmaker. Like Columbus, Vespucci traveled to the New World (first in 1499 and again in 1502). Unlike Columbus, Vespucci wrote about it. Vespucci’s accounts of his travels were published in 1504 and were widely read in Europe. Columbus was also hindered because he thought he had discovered another route to Asia; he didn’t realize America was a whole new continent. Vespucci, however, found that America was not contiguous with Asia. He was also the first to call it the New World, or Novus Mundus in Latin, in his books. With the discovery of this “New World,” maps were being redrawn all the time. In 1507, a German mapmaker named Martin Waldseemüller was drawing a map of the world. He called it the Universalis Cosmographia, or Universal Cosmography. Comprised of 12 wooden panels, it was eight feet wide and four-and-a-half feet tall. He based his drawings of the New World on Vespucci’s published travelogues, and the mapmaker further used Vespucci’s name “Amerigo” to name the new continents “America.” Mapmakers tended to copy one another’s choices, so Columbus was left off the map. Today, an original of Waldseemüller’s map is permanently on display at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.
【題組】48. Which of the following is a correct description of Waldseemüller’s map?
(A) It was commissioned by Columbus.
(B) It depicted only the lands of America.
(C) He copied another mapmaker’s work.
(D) It is now on display in the United States.

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Giselle 小六下 (2016/07/24)

四、閱讀測驗【請在下列各題中選出最適當的答案】 Have you ever w..-阿摩線上測驗