
It was reported that the British government has warned airlines around the world not to allow the National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden, _____31_____ has revealed himself as the source of top-secret documents about American NSA surveillance programmes, to fly to the UK. If a carrier brings in Snowden, it would be _____32_____ for a £2,000 fine. The Home Office deemed Snowden’s presence in the UK to be _____33_____ to the "public good," even though he has not yet _____34_____ with any crime and no warrants have been issued for his arrest. ‘ Carrier alerts,are _____35_____ when the UK government wants to deny entry to people who do not normally need visas to enter the country, or whose visas were issued before something happened.

(A) issued
(B) caused
(C) motivated
(D) topic

難度: 適中
李萱 小二上 (2017/10/26)
Issued 發布  mo.....看完...

Dorothy 高二上 (2019/11/05)

據報導,英國政府已警告世界各地的航空公司,禁止美國國家安全局的洩密者愛德華·斯諾登(Edward Snowden)飛往英國,這人(31.)有關美國國家安全局監視計劃的絕密文件的來源。如果承運人帶進斯諾登,將(32.)處以2,000英鎊的罰款。內政部認為斯諾登在英國的存在不利(33.)於“公共利益”,儘管他尚未被指控(34.)犯有任何罪行,也沒有發布逮捕令。當英國政府希望拒絕通常不需要簽證進入該國或在事情發生之前簽發簽證的人入境時,就會發出(35.)“航空公司警告”。

第一篇:It was reported that the British gov..-阿摩線上測驗