
      “Think green!” We have all heard of this slogan many times, but do we understand what it means? Climate change is real and will affect us and the planet, so maybe it’s time to do something about it. A great way is to turn off the electronics in our homes and spend time doing other activities instead of watching TV or surfing the Internet. The planet is helped because we are using less energy. And if we are not using our electronic devices, we will have time to exercise, connect with our friends, and develop other interests and hobbies. 
      Another way is to plant an organic vegetable garden. This way, the gardener gets exercise, time outdoors in the fresh air, the satisfaction of raising food, as well as the benefit of eating well. In addition, when you garden organically, you won’t use toxic chemicals and pesticides. This will keep our water clean and ensure that small animals, birds, and beneficial insects are not harmed. 
      Supporting green projects can help the planet, too. Even if we can’t afford solar energy panels or an electric car, we can encourage governments and businesses to use energy from solar power or to build fewer roads and more bicycle lanes. Or we can volunteer for projects in our own communities, such as cleaning our green spaces and rivers. In this way, we can get exercise while we work to create a cleaner place to enjoy nature. 
      We can each be a small part of the solution to environmental problems. If we start with our everyday choices, we can “think green,” “act green,” and “support green.”

【題組】48. Why is planting an organic vegetable garden an effective way of “Thinking Green”?
(A) It promotes the sales of pesticides.
(B) It reduces the use of poisonous chemicals.
(C) It helps change the climate.
(D) It keeps the gardeners from being harmed by the beneficial insects.

難度: 簡單
Lin Tzu Hung 大一下 (2020/01/15)

when you garden o☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆, ...


第二篇:      “Think green!” ..-阿摩線上測驗