【問卷-英文學習功能需求】只要填寫就能獲得500Y,結束時間 2024/06/03 12:00。 前往查看


第二篇: There was once a farmer in the State of Song. He went to his paddy fields to check on the growth of his seedlings every day. 36 the seedlings were growing very slowly, he became rather worried. One day, when the farmer was on his way to the fields, a wild idea suddenly flashed through his head. He hurried on his way and jumped into the field. 37 great care, he lifted each seedling up a little from the soil. When the day’s work was done, he dragged his weary body home, 38 very content. 39 he got to the door, he hollered to his wife, “Honey, I’m totally exhausted!” “What did you do in the fields today?” asked his wife. “Go to the fields and see for yourself!” replied the man proudly. “I helped the seedlings grow.” On hearing these words, his son ran joyfully to the paddy fields. It was now sunset, and 40 was shrouding the whole earth. From a distance the little boy could see that the seedlings in the paddy fields had all withered and died.
(A) For
(B) To
(C) Upon
(D) With

難度: 簡單
Lin Tzu Hung 大一下 (2020/01/16)
With great care, he ☆☆☆☆☆☆ ...


第二篇: There was once a farmer in the Sta..-阿摩線上測驗