
第五大題:綜合測驗(第 31-40 題) How many people, whether on business abroad or merely touring, have unknowingly insulted their clients, hosts, local shopkeepers, or a complete stranger on the bus? A quick read of the guides below may allow you to 31 to social norms and make a positive impression. First, behaving in the same way that you would at home can land you in fairly serious trouble. In England, it is standard practice to take wine to a dinner party, but the same does not apply in France. To do so would suggest your host is unable to choose or afford a good bottle. Watch your table manners in Korea: sticking your chopsticks into a bowl of rice and leaving them upright is not the done thing. Your hosts 32 incense sticks in a bowl used to honor dead ancestors. If returning the dinner invitation of your Korean friends, make sure the eldest member of the Korean family is served before anyone else at that table. In some countries, your body language may be 33 offensive. Do not pat girls or boys on the head in Thailand as this is considered the most sacred part of the body, and make sure the soles of your feet are not on display in Arab countries. It is important to bow lower than your seniors or elders in Japan, and elderly members of Maori tribes in New Zealand would find your bottom resting on a table or desk to be extremely disrespectful. As for everyday behavior on the street, if you have a cold, 34 others and use your tissues discreetly in Germany. Never step over a coin or a bill in Thailand. These bear the image of the king and are therefore deserving of respect. When you are indoors, don’t turn on the light in Canada without first 35 permission, and in Arab countries, it would be unthinkable to walk into a house with footwear on.
(A) have sought
(B) seeking
(C) seek
(D) to be sought

第五大題:綜合測驗(第 31-40 題) How many people, ..-阿摩線上測驗