
第 11 至 15 題為題組 France, home to such major fashion houses as Chanel, Dior, and Yves Saint Laurent, has joined Italy, Spain, and Israel in adopting laws against super-skinny models on catwalks or in ads.The French government has passed a bill that will 11 the use of excessively skinny models. Modeling agencies violating the law can receive a fine of up to US$81,000, with up to six months in jail for staff involved. According to French officials, the measure aims to 12 the glorification of dangerously thin models. Under the approved legislation, models will have to present a medical 13 that proves they are healthy before being allowed to work in the fashion industry. Moreover, they will be 14 regular weight checks. Modeling agencies will have to produce a medical report showing that their models have maintained a 15 body mass-to-height ratio. This bill is expected to change young women’s view on the ideal female form.
(A) subject to
(B) accustomed to
(C) blessed with
(D) familiar with

難度: 適中
易君博 高二上 (2017/07/05)

自律自強 研二下 (2017/12/04)


Our plans are subject to the weather. 我們的計畫取決於天氣如何。

自律自強 研二下 (2018/03/31)

Moreover,此外/並且 they will be 14subject to regular weight checks. 

(A) subject to 受到~的
(B) accustomed to 習慣於;有……的習慣
(C) blessed with 在~方面受到祝福
(D) familiar with 熟悉/精通

第 11 至 15 題為題組 France, home to such maj..-阿摩線上測驗