

第31至40題爲題組 The Chinese white dolphin along the coastline in Changhua County are ecologically and culturally unique and valuable. They used to be 31 one subpopulation under Sousa chinensis in eastern Taiwan Strait (ETS), settling near mainland China as well as Hong Kong. But Taipei's Academia Sinica has confirmed that the group dwelling in oui western shore is genetically discrete and 32 the ones in the Pearl River and Juilong River estuaries. This ETS subgroup is found to inhabit in waters less than 30 meters in depth. Therefore, the averagely 50-meter-deep Taiwan Strait 33 a natural boundary and leaves this school along the Taiwan shore independent. In addition to genetic assessment, the Chinese white dolphins feature a special nose. The distinguished pigmentation consistently 34 the Chinese white dolphin and other ETS dolphins. More than biological exclusiveness, the local white dolphins are also emotionally and culturally 3 5 the fishermen. These sea mammals win everyone's heart with their adorable appearance. The adults' pink or white skin color brings them 36 charm among inspectors. Besides, the white dolphins are nicknamed "Mazu's fish," 37 they are often spotted around the birthday of the goddess, Mazu. People can easily admire their joyful leaps offshore on the 23rd day of the third month 38 the lunar calendar. Despite the preciousness and attraction our pink sweet neighbors possess, they encounter 39 living problems. Their home is now under the threat of Kuokuang Petrochemicars proposed complex just a few miles 40 . When nature and industiy collide, we should set our priority with more caution. ( A ) away ( B ) categorized as ( C ) connected to (D ) grave ( E ) irresistible ( AB ) isolated from ( AC ) on ( AD ) serves as ( AE ) sets apart ( BC ) for

第31至40題爲題組 The Chinese white dolphin ..-阿摩線上測驗