
        At times, it seems like there are not many things that we can give a student who has everything. But  16  that Christmas is just a few weeks away,  17  is a gift idea. Those who have an inclination for crazy technological advances aren’t hard  18  . One simple way is a few new items that might  19  life more enjoyable. They don’t look too revolutionary, but you’d be surprised  20  they are capable of. The following is one of the items.
         21  a student who is never on time, there is the new Projection Alarm Clock. Many ordinary clocks are hard to read early in the morning, deceiving students of the correct time,   22  causing them to be late for school. Through a projector, this attractive radio-alarm-clock is able to display the time onto a wall, ceiling, or anywhere  23  . The benefits include an easier visibility of the time, and an alarm that gets increasingly louder  24  turned off. It won’t magically transport a student to school on time every day, but it just might make  25  a little easier.

(A) given
(B) give
(C) giving
(D) to give

難度: 非常困難
方蔥香 小三上 (2018/10/27)

說明︰第16至25題,每題一個空格,請依文意選出最適當的一個選項。  ..-阿摩線上測驗