

請依下文回答第 11 題到第 15 題 
    Having a seven-day week seemed strange to sociologists since there was no corresponding geophysical event as there was with the solar day or the lunar month. They tended to attribute it to our cultures and not to biology. However, other organisms also have a seven-day cycle, and a week is, after all, a quarter of a lunar circle. At the end of the French Revolution, the revolutionary government wanted to establish a ten-day week, but the attempt failed to work. In the former Soviet Union, the rulers also experimented with modifying the week by trying five-day and six-day weeks. Again, people rejected to change the length of their week. They seemed to need to have one day out of seven in order to rest their body clocks. Weekly rhythms show up most strongly during times of stress. For the body to fight off a cold, it needs about a week. The symptoms of chicken pox show up about two weeks after the patient’s being exposed to disease. Health care workers expect to see patients with pneumonia and malaria at greatest risk after one week of fighting these diseases. By these evidences, sociologists have had reasons to reconsider their previous ideas about the origin of the seven-day week.

【題組】12 According to the passage, which of the following will be accepted by most people after all?
(A) five-day week
(B) seven-day week
(C) ten-day week
(D) six-day week

難度: 非常簡單
Yi-Rong Huang 國二下 (2016/12/16)
一周有七天對於社會科學家似乎是一件奇怪的事,因為它不如太陽日或太陰月一般符 合地球科學的觀測。他們將之歸因於文化而非生物科學。然而,其他生物也有七天週期,畢竟這是四分之一個太陰月。法國大革命尾聲時,革命政府想改一週為十 天,但這個企圖終告失敗。前蘇聯時期,統治者們試過以五天或六天為一週。又一次,人們拒絕修改一週的天數。人似乎七天內總需要一天來調整他們的生.....觀看完整全文,請先登入
江若語 高二上 (2017/06/02)

sociologist 社會學家

corresponding 相應的

lunar 農曆

French Revolution 法國革命

revolutionary 革命的

ruler 統治者;管理者;支配者

symptom 症狀,徵候 

pneumonia 肺炎

malaria 瘧疾

evidence  證據;證詞;證人

請依下文回答第 11 題到第 15 題     Having a seven-d..-阿摩線上測驗