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請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題: Much has been written about feng shui in English. At present time, the year of 2012, there are over 300 separate titles in English and many thousands of websites on the subject. Yet 25 years ago the subject was virtually unheard of in the United States and very difficult to discover amongst Western-educated Chinese. Before that there were only books written by missionaries and colonial administrators living in the nineteenth century. Western interest was probably sparked by my first book, The Living Earth Manual of Feng Shui, which was written in 1976 when most material on feng shui was still available only in Chinese. Feng shui did not however become “dinner party conversation” until the late 1980s, and Lillian Too did much to popularize it in the 1990s in the Western worlds. However, when interest in feng shui did finally gather speed, because of the lack of source material, many well-meaning teachers and writers seemed to forget that it is a really precise and exacting subject, and extended it in ways not originally part of its traditional Chinese roots. Now, although any science can be extended by new research and testing, this has got to be done with a full knowledge of all that has gone before. It is sometimes forgotten that feng shui is not a branch of interior decorating, but a practical science in its own right. To put not too fine a point on it, a lot of later-day Western feng shui has been simplified beyond the point where it works, or has been invented or “intuited.” Often intuition has provided a key or a direction in which to look, but it is never sufficient in itself to declare “it must be so” because I feel it to be so. It therefore came as a delight and a breath of fresh air when I laid my hands on the new project about feng shui.
【題組】20 Which of the following most accurately states the main idea of the passage?
(A)The misleading understanding of recently published books on feng shui.
(B)The crucial significance and urgent need to promote the science of feng shui.
(C)The personal pleasure and public demand to work on the project of feng shui.
(D)The historical development and recent studies of feng shui in the United States.

難度: 簡單
李33 高一上 (2020/08/15)
下列哪項最準確地說明了段落的主旨? (A)對最近出版的風水書籍的偏見。 (B)推廣風水學的關鍵意義.....觀看完整全文,請先登入
黑色五葉草魚 研一上 (2018/10/30)



請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題: Much has been wri..-阿摩線上測驗