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請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題:
        In the modern context of global security, the role of defense law has become increasingly vital. Defenselaw encompasses both domestic legal issues and international regulations, particularly in areas such as wartimetreaties, international human rights law, and the application of international humanitarian law. As internationalscrutiny of wartime conduct has intensified, the legal review of military actions has become a crucial aspect ofdefense law.
        Today, whether in traditional armed conflicts or in the realm of cyber warfare, defense law departmentsare responsible for ensuring that all military operations comply with international and domestic laws. This notonly includes the laws of war but also extends to peacetime regulations that govern military conduct. The legalteams must evaluate the legality of operations before they commence, providing advisory opinions on the useof force, rules of engagement, and the protection of civilians.
        International Humanitarian Law (IHL), often referred to as the laws of war, plays a central role in defenselaw. IHL aims to limit the effects of armed conflict by protecting those who do not participate in the hostilities,such as civilians, and by restricting the means and methods of warfare. Defense lawyers must ensure thatmilitary operations do not violate these principles, as breaches can lead to severe consequences, including warcrimes charges.
        Furthermore, the evolving nature of warfare, with the rise of non-state actors and cyber threats, hasintroduced new challenges for defense law practitioners. They must navigate complex legal landscapes wherethe boundaries of law are often tested. For instance, cyber operations, which can cause significant damagewithout physical violence, raise questions about the application of existing international law. Defense lawexperts must determine whether such operations constitute acts of war and how they fit within the current legalframework.
        As the threats to global security become more diverse, the field of defense law continues to expand,encompassing areas such as space law and the legal implications of autonomous weapons systems. Theimportance of this field cannot be overstated, as it helps to maintain the delicate balance between militarynecessity and humanitarian considerations, ensuring that the pursuit of national security does not come at theexpense of fundamental human rights.

【題組】36 What is the main purpose of defense law in the context of modern warfare?
(A) To regulate the domestic affairs of military personnel.
(B) To provide financial support to military families.
(C) To determine the outcomes of military engagements.
(D) To ensure that military operations comply with both international and domestic laws.

難度: 計算中

倒數 8天 ,已有 1 則答案
如有幫到您,拜託給個5星好 高三下 (2024/10/21):
(D) 確保軍事行動符合國際和國內法律。

請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題:     ..-阿摩線上測驗