【詳解卡新福利】寫作批改懸賞券,將於 2024/09/30 23:59:59 過期,還沒使用或領取,趕快前往領取並使用吧! 前往查看


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
        In May, 2021, the task force including officers of TCGA and NPA tracked down an oil smuggling group. Theyaccidentally discovered that NorthUnion Gang members were using oil barrels as cover to transport drugs across thecountry. The case was indicted by the Taipei District Prosecutor, and the Taipei District court made the verdict in March, 2022. The eight defendants were sentenced to 3~7 years for attempted second-degree drug smuggling. The task forceofficers stated that the gangsters were suspected of trafficking drugs by the same M.O. for a long time. As such, officersanalyzed the gangsters’ transportation pattern and found another batch of 40 kilograms drug in an abandoned vehicle inthe Taipei Mountain area, and a total of 85 kilograms of the second-class drug methamphetamine was seized. Based onthe content of the suspects’ communications and drug packaging materials, the officers believed that these drugs did notcome from the traditional Golden Triangle region. In order to trace the source of the drugs, TCGA requested the DEATaipei Office for identification. The DEA confirmed that the drug was manufactured in Middle-East. The DEA alsocross-referenced the suspects’ communication data with its database and found that Pakistan criminals were involved inthe syndicate. Officers believed that the drug came to Taiwan via Pakistan and its neighboring countries. This is the firsttime Taiwan seized drug made in the Middle East region. The task force believes that Taiwanese drug cartels have brokenthe traditional drug production and transportation routes and begun to cooperate with Middle East drug cartels. Inresponse to this brand new drug industry chain, the Taipei District Prosecutor’s Office has made a case report, askingthe national drug enforcement agencies to take strict precautions.

【題組】49 Which of the following is a clue for TCGA to find out that the drug did not come from the traditional Golden Triangle region?
(A) The suspects’ appearance and accent
(B) The suspects’ communication and the drug packing materials
(C) The suspects’ identification and the trafficking route
(D) The suspects’ criminal patterns and the drug’s value

難度: 計算中

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請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題         In May, 2021..-阿摩線上測驗