
請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題 A man who became depressed, anxious, and phobic about flies after finding a dead insect in his bottled water has lost a claim for over $300,000 in compensation from the bottling company. The Supreme Court of Canada said Culligan of Canada Ltd. wasn’t legally liable for the psychological damage suffered by Martin Mustapha, a hair stylist from Windsor, Ont.. Mustapha sued after finding a dead fly, and later half of another, in an unopened bottle of water delivered for his home dispenser. He never drank any of the water, but said he became obsessed with thoughts of dead flies, couldn’t sleep, and was constantly on edge—to the point where his business and his life suffered. Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin didn’t question the fact that Mustapha had suffered real psychological harm. Medical evidence tendered at trial three years ago indicated he was afflicted with a psychiatric illness that was “debilitating and had a significant impact on his life,” said McLachlin. But she also noted that experts had described Mustapha’s reaction as “unusual and extreme” and concluded that Culligan could not have reasonably foreseen the harm he suffered—a key legal test for compensation in such cases.
【題組】47 What does the word “liable” in the first paragraph mean?
(A) Responsible.
(B) Truthful.
(C) Profitable.
(D) Careful.

難度: 困難

倒數 15時 ,已有 1 則答案
Fang-Tung Hua 高二上 (2021/08/09):

一名男子在他的瓶裝水中發現一隻死昆蟲後變得沮喪、焦慮和害怕蒼蠅,他失去了瓶裝公司超過 30 萬美元的賠償金。加拿大最高法院表示,Culligan of Canada Ltd. 不對來自安大略省溫莎的髮型師 Martin Mustapha 所遭受的心理傷害承擔法律責任。 Mustapha 在發現一隻死蒼蠅後提起訴訟,後來又起訴了另一半,為他的家用飲水機送來的一瓶未開封的水。他從不喝任何水,但說他對死蒼蠅的想法很著迷,無法入睡,並且一直處於緊張狀態——以至於他的生意和生活都受到了影響。首席大法官貝弗利麥克拉克林沒有質疑穆斯塔法遭受真正心理傷害的事實。麥克拉克林說,三年前在審判中提交的醫學證據表明,他患有一種“使人虛弱並對他的生活產生重大影響”的精神疾病。但她也指出,專家們將穆斯塔法的反應描述為“不尋常和極端”,並得出結論認為庫利根無法合理預見他遭受的傷害——這是此類案件中賠償的關鍵法律測試。


  • KK[ˋlaɪəb!]
  • DJ[ˋlaiəbl]


  • a.[F]

請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題 A man who became dep..-阿摩線上測驗