
Stocking up to prepare for a crisis
When there is a crisis, people tend to clear supermarket shelves for the things they feel they might need. This behavior is called “panic buying". Stocking up on food and other supplies helps people feel they have some level of control over events. Unlike most animals, humans can perceive some future threats and prepare for them. The greater the perceived threat, the stronger the reaction will be. Buying up large stores of supplies – which can lead to empty supermarket shelves – may seem like an irrational emotion response. But emotions are not irrational, they help us decide how to focus our attention. Then, panic buying is not so bad after all.

【題組】23. What is the main idea of the passage?
(A) Panic buying might be a positive thing.
(B) Everyone should stock up on food and other supplies.
(C) When there is crisis, there is threat.
(D) Emotions lead to irrational behavior.

難度: 適中
萬年錄事考生 高二下 (2020/03/25)

112年已上岸,挑戰極限 博二下 (2022/11/10)


發生危機時,人們傾向於清理超市的貨架,以存放他們認為可能需要的東西。 這種行為被稱為“恐慌購買”。 儲存食物和其他物品有助於人們感覺自己對事件有一定程度的控制。 與大多數動物不同,人類可以感知一些未來的威脅並為之做好準備。 感知到的威脅越大,反應就會越強。 購買大型商店的用品-可能導致超市貨架空空-似乎是一種非理性的情緒反應。 但是情緒並不是非理性的,它們可以幫助我們決定如何集中註意力。 然後,恐慌性購買畢竟不是那麼糟糕。

panic buying                    ph.瘋狂搶購;恐慌性購買

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