
    Welcome to Thompson’s Story Corner. Today, our story is about a magic hat. 
A long time ago, the world was all dark except for one piece of land. This land was ruled by a queen who always wore a hat. The hat gave her the magic power to keep the land warm, bright, and beautiful. Everyone was happy about their lives there.
But Henry, the queen’s cousin, wasn’t happy. He wanted to have the hat and become the king. One day, __41__ .The queen became very sick, and Henry went to the castle to visit her.
The next day, news came from the castle: The queen was dead and Henry would become king. The new king put on the hat and tried to use its magic power. “Money!” he said to the hat, but nothing happened. “A beautiful wife,” he said, but nothing appeared. “Make me young!” he shouted, but nothing changed. He became angrier and angrier.__42__ . Without the power of the hat, the land got darker and colder day by day. Plants didn’t grow, food wasn’t enough, and people weren’t happy. They kept asking the king to do something to save the land, but Henry was too afraid to even appear before them. They became so mad that __43__ .
Inside the castle, they were surprised to find the queen in a small room. She told them that, when she was sick, Henry took her hat and hid her in the room. In the end, the queen got the hat back, and everything was as wonderful as before. But what about Henry? Well, the queen used the magic power of the hat to change him into a rat and then kicked him out of the land. From then on, he could only live in the dark.

(A) they planned to build their own castle
(B) they decided to move out of the castle
(C) they burned the castle and killed Henry
(D) they attacked the castle and caught Henry

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