

(B) Since I started writing about cybersecurity, I’ve developed something of a reputation for paranoia. I set up 23 passwords for every website, 24 two-step authentication whenever I can, 25 for credit monitoring and regularly use secure mobile apps to speak with sensitive sources. I also cover my computer’s web camera with a masking tape, and one night—during some paranoia-fraught weeks reporting on Chinese 26 —I even went so far as to move my television out of my bedroom just in case somebody was lurking in my cable box. In short, I have become completely 27 about protecting my personal data. So imagine my reaction the other week when my own father sent a text message 28 my Social Security number, driver’s license number, birth date, account number, phone number, email address and full name— 29 everything one would need to steal my identity—to people in his address book. Suffice to say, I was not exactly calm, cool and collected. It was an honest mistake, of course, but it was 30 . I’ve taken companies to task for storing personal data and chastised perfect strangers for not 31 password PINs on their phones. But security experts like to say security is only 32 the weakest link. And in this case, the weakest link—I’m sorry to say—was my dad.

(A) sign off
(B) sign in
(C) sign up
(D) sign on

難度: 適中
ChiaHui(107新北 國三上 (2019/04/15)
(A) sign off 結束工作(B) ☆☆☆☆ ☆☆...


(B) Since I started writing about cy..-阿摩線上測驗