
Mount Kilimanjaro, located in Tanzania about 220 miles south of the equator in a very hot region, is the tallest mountain in all of Africa. 34 its location, there are many glaciers and ice fields high up on the mountain. The ice cap was important to the surrounding area and it’s also a source of water for the river Nile. Many villages in the Mount Kilimanjaro region 3511 the snow and ice melt water. The appearance of Mount Kilimanjaro is changing. Scientists say that more than 80 percent of its glaciers 36 since 1912. As a result, animals on the plains surrounding the mountain are now dying and many plant species are also in danger. People are beginning to wonder how long it will be before the mountain 37 its snowy white cap. Why is this happening? Some scientists think that the hot weather in this tropical region makes the effects of global warming even worse. For example, the snow melts faster here 38 in cooler parts of the world. 39 believe forest reduction on Kilimanjaro may be the strongest human influence on glacial recession. Forest fires, often caused by honey collectors trying to smoke bees out of their hives, 40 the air temperature and lower the level of water in the air. These changes cause less snow to fall in the area. Scientists now believe that the mountain’s glaciers may be totally gone by the year 2020.
(A) Another
(B) The other
(C) Others
(D) The others

難度: 適中
安娜(謝謝阿摩,我考上了) 高三上 (2014/11/04)
Wu Ching Yi 小六上 (2017/05/06)
There are plenty of ways to use it... 1. Some..... Others......... 有些....有些.... (特定範圍-可數名詞) The students in the classroom are busy. Some are doing their  homework. Others are reading. 教室裡的學生很忙, 有些在做功課, 有些在讀書 (還有一些人沒提到) 2.Some..... The others....... 有些.....其餘那些..... The students in the classroom are busy. Some are doing their homework. The others are reading.  教室裡的學生很忙, 有些在做功課, 其他人在讀書 (教室裡的學生只做這兩件事) 3. Some.... Some..... 有些....有些.... (特定範圍-不可數名詞) Some of his money was spent on clothes. Some w...

Mount Kilimanjaro, located in Tanzani..-阿摩線上測驗