
Formosan Green Island, though small, attracts tourists because of its natural beauty. The island is, in fact, one of the many little volcanic islands in the northern Pacific Ocean. To be more specific, it is 26 33 kilometers southeast of Taitung, a county in the southeastern part of Taiwan. Green Island is 15 square kilometers 27 area. Its coastline is only 20 kilometers long, and the tallest mountain is 281 meters 28 . The seas around Green Island are abundant with 29 200 different species of colorful coral. In addition, over 300 varieties of fish can be found in its neighboring seas all year round. Both coral and fish allow businessmen on the island 30 much money from scuba diving each year. Green Island is also famous for its natural saltwater hot springs. The springs 31 naturally by volcanic activity deep underground. Many tourists are attracted to the hot-spring pools on the island 32 because the pools are free to the public but also because in the pools they can enjoy the feeling of being close to nature.
(A) earn
(B) to earn
(C) earning
(D) earned

難度: 簡單
Pow 大一下 (2019/07/13)
Both coral and fish ☆☆☆☆☆ ...


Formosan Green Island, though small, a..-阿摩線上測驗