
53 至 56 題為題組 
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the specialized cancer agency of the World Health Organization, is today launching World Cancer Report 2014, a collaboration of over 250 leading scientists from more than 40 countries. Based on the latest statistics on trends in cancer incidence and mortality worldwide, this new book reveals how the cancer burden is growing at an alarming pace. As a consequence of growing and ageing populations, developing countries are disproportionately affected by the increasing numbers of cancers. More than 60% of the world’s total cases occur in Africa, Asia, and Central and South America, and these regions account for about 70% of the world’s cancer deaths, a situation that is made worse by the lack of early detection and access to treatment. Access to effective and affordable cancer treatments in developing countries, including for childhood cancers, would effectively reduce mortality. However, the costs of the cancer burden are damaging the economies of even the richest countries and are way beyond the reach of developing countries. In 2010, the total annual economic cost of cancer was estimated to reach approximately US$ 1.16 trillion. In fact, about half of all cancers can be avoided if current knowledge is adequately practiced. Preventing the spread of tobacco use in low- and middle-income countries is of crucial importance to cancer control. Likewise, in rapidly industrializing countries, measures to encourage physical activity and avoid over-weight should also be prioritized in relation to cancers such as those of the large bowel and breast. In addition, low-tech approaches to early detection and screening have proven their effects in developing countries. “Governments must show political commitment to progressively step up the practice of high-quality screening and early detection programs, which is an investment rather than a cost,” says Dr Bernard W. Stewart, co-editor of World Cancer Report 2014.

【題組】55. Why do people in developing countries become the major victims of cancer?
(A) They cannot afford detection and treatment.
(B) The quality of medication there is very poor.
(C) They often work for a long time and do not exercise.
(D) They don’t have enough technology to detect cancer.

難度: 簡單

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53 至 56 題為題組 The International Age..-阿摩線上測驗