

It all started with our science project last semester. All students were required to turn in a report on any animal that they wished to observe. In the report, there were questions 8 : How does the animal move? What does the animal eat? What does it sound like? All of the questions reminded me of my limited 9 of animals. It was, 10 , hard for me to complete my report. So I decided to keep a pet in our tiny apartment. “It should not take up too much space,” my mom warned, “ 11 should it take too much of our time to take care of it.” So, the pet had to be one that was easy for all of us to take care of 12 it would remain basically my pet. My father’s dislike for animals’ cries left dogs, cats, or even birds off our list. The only living creature that 13 all of us was fish. On a rainy evening, we walked to the nearest pet shop and bought one. Interestingly, the fish cost 14 less than its container. The little fish lives happily now in our apartment. My mother takes care of it every morning and I 15 change the water. We don’t know how I did on my report, but I know we all enjoy having another family member.
(A) never
(B) otherwise
(C) whatever
(D) therefore

It all started with our science project..-阿摩線上測驗