
aha! experience of creative discovery. If you can laugh at something, then you are more likely to challenge the rules 1 the idea and look at it in unusual ways.This is borne out by a creativity test that was given to a group of high school students a few years ago. The participants were divided 2 two equal groups. One group sat silently in a study hall for half an hour prior to the test. 3 group spent the same time in another room 4 to a tape recording of a standup comedian. Then both groups took the creativity test. The 5 group did significantly better than the former one in all phases of the test. The comedy had opened up their thinking.
(A) later
(B) latter
(C) last
(D) least

難度: 適中
C.c. Hung 國三下 (2017/09/09)
啊哈! 創意發現經驗。 如果你可以笑一些...


aha! experience of creative discovery. ..-阿摩線上測驗