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CET 等级考试◆CET6題庫下載題庫

.Part V Cloze (5 minutes) Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked
(C) and
(D) on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. McDonalds, Greggs, KFC and Subway are today named as the most littered brands in England as Keep Britain Tidy called on fastfood companies to do more to tackle customers who drop their wrappers and drinks cartons (盒子) in the streets. Phil Barton, chief executive of Keep Britain Tidy, 62 its new Dirty Pig campaign, said it was the first time it had investigated which 63 made up “littered England” and the same names appeared again and again. “We 64 litterers for dropping this fast food litter 65 the first place but also believe the results have pertinent (相关的) messages for the fast food 66 . Mc ̄Donalds, Greggs, KFC and Subway need to do more to 67 littering by their customers.” He recognised efforts made by McDonalds, 68 placing litter bins and increasing litter patrols, but its litter remained “all too prevalent”. All fast food chains should reduce 69 packaging, he added. Companies could also reduce prices 70 those who stayed to eat food on their premises, offer moneyoff vouchers (代金券) or other 71 for those who returned packaging and put more bins at 72 points in local streets, not just outside their premises. A 73 for McDonalds said: “We do our best. Obviously we ask all our customers to dispose of litter responsibly.” Trials of more extensive, allday litter patrols were 74 in Manchester and Birmingham. KFC said it took its 75 on litter management “very seriously”, and would introduce a programme to reduce packaging 76 many products. Subway said that it worked hard to 77 the impact of litter on communities,78 it was “still down to the 79 customer to dispose of their litter responsibly”. Greggs said it recognised the “continuing challenge for us all”,80 having already taken measures to help 81 the issue.

(A) in season
(B) at risk
(C) off hand
(D) under way

.Part V Cloze (5 minutes) Directions: T..-阿摩線上測驗