【問卷-英文學習功能需求】只要填寫就能獲得500Y,結束時間 2024/06/03 12:00。 前往查看


1.Although Einstein’s theory of relativity is nearly a century old, its bizarre predictions are still not widely known. Invariably people learn of them with delight, fear and 1_______ . Much of the book is devoted to covering the more straightforward consequences of the theory; the broad conclusion I reach, however, is that we are 2_______ having a good grasp of the concept of time. Einstein’s work 3_______ a revolution in our understanding of the subject, but the consequences have 4_______ to be fully worked out. Much of the theory of relativity remains uncharted territory, and crucial topics, like the possibility of time travel, have only very recently received attention. There are also major problems which hint at deep-seated limitations of the theory; discrepancies concerning the age of the universe and obstacles to 5_______ Einstein’s time with quantum physics are two of the more persistent difficulties. Perhaps more worryingly, Einstein’s time is seriously 6_______ with time as we human beings experience it. All this leads me to believe that we must embrace Einstein’s ideas, but move on. The orthodox account of time frequently leaves us 7_______ , surrounded by a welter of puzzles and paradoxes. In my view, Einstein’s time is inadequate to explain fully the physical universe and our perception of it. The scientific study of time has proved to be disturbing, disorienting and startling. It is also befuddling. I have written this book for the reader with no specialist scientific or mathematical knowledge. Technical jargon is kept to a 8_______ , and numerical values are avoided except where absolutely necessary. However, I cannot deny that the subject is complex and intellectually challenging. To try and ease the pain a bit, I have 9_______ to the device of introducing a tame imaginary skeptic, who may from time to time voice the reader’s own objections or queries. 10_______ , you may well be even more confused about time after reading this book than you were before. That’s all right; I was more confused myself after writing it.
(A) at odds
(B) in tune
(C) in harmony
(D) at liberty

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1.Although Einstein’s theory of relativi..-阿摩線上測驗