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6.下列何種情況會呈現較嚴重之殘嵴(residual ridge)萎縮?

難度: 簡單
joe極白 大一下 (2017/06/27)

They can be either opposing a fully dentulous maxilla or opposing a maxillary partial denture. In any case,there will be severe ridge resorption of the edentulous mandible. This is bacause of two reasons:

 1. The constant movement of the tongue adds to the forces on the residual ridge increasing the amount of resorption. 

2. The amount of firmly attached mucosa to the denture, bearing area is less in the mandible than In the maxilla

. ……Anyhow some authors firmly believe that a mandibular single denture have a very poor prognosis.

Textbook of Prosthodontics, by Deepak Nallaswamy P.2...


6.下列何種情況會呈現較嚴重之殘嵴(residual ridge)萎縮? (A..-阿摩線上測驗