43 一位 60 歲男性,於三個月內體重減輕 15 公斤,於頸部、腋下、腹股溝處..-阿摩線上測驗
Chris 大二下 (2019/07/18): The main symptoms of acanthosis nigricans are the following:
Acanthosis nigricans can also cause the following additional skin symptoms:
Malignant acanthosis nigricans may cause more severe and extensive skin changes than the benign (noncancerous) form. Some people experience these skin changes on one side of their body only. This is known as unilateral acanthosis nigricans. Changes to the skin typically develop slowly. Occasionally, they can be present from birth, but they usually appear in childhood or adulthood. They can occur anywhere, but commonly affect the:
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