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醫學五:80題 ( 包括外科,骨科,泌尿科等科目及其相關臨床實例與醫學倫理 )題庫下載題庫

6 下列有關飲食纖維(dietary fiber)之敘述,何者為非?
(A)水溶性之纖維(例如 fruit pectins)是用來治療便祕的
(B)水溶性之纖維很容易被腸內菌發酵而產生短鏈脂肪酸(short-chain fatty acid)
(C)水溶性之纖維可造成糞便體積加大(bulky stool)之效果

難度: 非常困難
Chris 大二下 (2020/04/06)

Soluble fiber – which dissolves in water – is generally fermented in the colon into gases and physiologically active by-products, such as short-chain fatty acids produced in the colon by gut bacteria. Fermentable fibers are called prebiotic fibers. Examples are beta-glucans (in oats, barley, and mushrooms) and raw guar gum. An exception is psyllium, which is a soluble, viscous, nonfermented fiber. Psyllium is a bulking fiber that retains water as it moves through the digestive system, easing defecation. Soluble fiber is generally viscous and delays gastric emptying which, in humans, can resu...


6 下列有關飲食纖維(dietary fiber)之敘述,何者為非? (A)水..-阿摩線上測驗