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醫學五:80題 ( 包括外科,骨科,泌尿科等科目及其相關臨床實例與醫學倫理 )題庫下載題庫

22 35 歲李小姐因為甲狀腺 3.5 公分單一結節接受檢查,包括血清甲狀腺功能檢查、頸部超音波、Tc-99m 甲狀腺掃描、細針抽吸(fine needle aspiration, FNA)細胞學檢查,則下列何描述正確?
(A) Tc-99m 甲狀腺掃描,若結節的吸收增加代表惡性機率高
(B)頸部超音波只能區別 cystic 或 solid,無法鑑別良性或惡性
(C) FNA 細胞學檢查可以看出分化良好的濾泡型甲狀腺癌
(D) FNA 的結果如果是 follicular neoplasm,最好建議病患接受手術

難度: 困難
Chris 大二下 (2020/04/07)
(A)Hot nodule usually excludes neoplasm.(B)The cancer-predictive value of these characteristics varies widely and are cumulative; those with the highest clinical utility include microcalcifications, increased internal vascularity, taller than wide shape, indistinct margins (especially when they are focal), and hypoechogenicity. Although ultrasound cannot be used to definitively diagnose thyroid cancer or select patients for thyroid surgery, ultrasound findings offer important clues and can be used to select nodules for fine-needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy, which offers the best preoperative ide...

22 35 歲李小姐因為甲狀腺 3.5 公分單一結節接受檢查,包括血清甲狀腺功能..-阿摩線上測驗