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    Nowadays, computers have become part of our daily lives. People use computers to search for information, or simply play computer games. 

    I use my computer twice a week. I frequently use it to download pop songs and movies from the Internet. I often use Facebook to keep in touch with friends who are far away. Sometimes I write something and post it on my blog in order to let others know what is going on in my life. 
    Computers are convenient; however, they do cause serious problems. For example, some teenagers play computer games so often that they ignore their studies. They become addicted to computer games and stop interacting with people, finally forgetting how to function in the real world. In addition, long hours of computer use can result in poor eyesight and other health problems.

【題組】43 All of the following problems are named in the article except
(A) expensive cost
(B) health concern
(C) internet addiction
(D) personal relationship

難度: 簡單
Chan Hom Lin 國三上 (2016/06/24)
All of the following problems are named in the article except下列所有問題在本文內容之外(A) expensive cost (B.....觀看完整全文,請先登入
大野狼 研一上 (2016/05/13)

勤練考古題 大三下 (2023/07/15)
(A) expensive cost 花費昂貴
(B) health concern 關心健康
(C) internet addiction 網路成癮
(D) personal relationship 人際關係

    Nowadays, computers have become part..-阿摩線上測驗