
The endangered leopard cat is one of only two wild cat species native to Taiwan. They are ash-brown or yellow  46 , and weigh three to six kilograms. Their bodies are 55-65 centimeters  47 . Truth be told, leopard cats don’t look all that different from a housecat; the most obvious difference is the white patch they have behind their ears. 
Miaoli County has a  48  large population of leopard cats and they live right among us. The reason why leopard cats choose to live so close to human habitations is because the grasslands, forests, and fields are full of rodents, birds, and hares on which they prey, and the forests provide the cats  49  protected environment in which to rear their young. Recently, the development in the area has endangered this cleverest of cats. We must work together if we are to save them from the threats they  50 .

(A) relatively
(B) recklessly
(C) physically
(D) optionally

難度: 簡單
h28048guy 國三下 (2016/04/02)
relatively 相對地recklessly魯莽地phys.....看完整詳解
SIKYN 國二上 (2016/09/30)


Miaoli County has a relatively large population of leopard cats...


琬甯 國二上 (2017/12/30)
The reason why leopard cats choose to live so close to human habitations is because the grasslands, forests, and fields are full of rodents, birds, and hares on which they prey, and the forests provide the cats 49 protected environment in which to rear their young. 
相信成功,堅持到底。 大一下 (2023/09/17)

Miaoli County has a relatively large population of leopard cats and they live right among us.

(A) relatively    [ ˋrɛlətɪvlɪ]
(B) recklessly    [ ˋrɛklɪslɪ]
(C) physically    [ ˋfɪzɪk!ɪ]
(D) optionally   [ ˋɑpʃən!ɪ]
   (A) 相對地,比較而言;相當
   (B) 魯莽地;不顧一切地
   (C) 身體上
   (D) 可選擇地

among 在……之中;在……中間

The endangered leopard cat is one of onl..-阿摩線上測驗