114. 有一位30歲孕婦,想來門診施打疫苗預防感染,下列那些疫苗是孕婦不建議注..-阿摩線上測驗
. 大三上 (2021/09/30): 孕婦禁用活性疫苗,因為可能造成胎兒感染。 活性疫苗包括: MMR, Varicella, 鼻腔噴霧的流感活性減毒疫苗, Zoster Live-virus vaccines are contraindicated during pregnancy because of the hypothetical risk that vaccine virus replication will cause congenital infection or have other adverse effects on the fetus. Most live-virus vaccines, including varicella vaccine, are not secreted in breast milk; therefore, breast-feeding is not a contraindication for live-virus or other vaccines.
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