
12 According to the Patent Act in Taiwan, “invention” means the creation of technical ideas, utilizing the laws of nature. Regarding the following statements or phrases, what could be possibly deemed as an “invention”?
(A) the discovery of a natural resource
(B) chemical compounds which are artificially isolated from natural sources
(C) chemical compounds which are artificially isolated from natural sources however the usefulness cannot be figured out
(D) a law of universal gravitation itself

難度: 適中
我讀書少你不要騙我 大二上 (2018/01/29)
根據我國專利法,「發明」的定義為: 技術發明創作、自然力之運用A單純發現自然資源 (不符定義)B從自然資源中人工分離/提煉.....觀看完整全文,請先登入

12 According to the Patent Act in Taiwan..-阿摩線上測驗