
請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題 My class in Brazil was scheduled from 10 until noon. Many students came late, some very late. Several arrived after 10:30. A few showed up closer to 11. Two came after that. All of the latecomers wore the relaxed smiles that I came, later, to enjoy. Each one said hello, and although a few apologized briefly, none seemed terribly concerned about their being late. They assumed that I understood. Back home in California, I never need to look at a clock to know when the class hour is ending. The shuffling of books is accompanied by strained expressions that say plaintively, “I’m starving….I’ve got to go to the bathroom….I’m going to suffocate if you keep us one more second.” (The pain usually becomes unbearable at two minutes to the hour in undergraduate classes and five minutes before the close of graduate classes.)When noon arrived in my first Brazilian class, only a few students left immediately. Others slowly drifted out during the next 15 minutes, and some continued asking me questions long after that. When several remaining students kicked off their shoes at 12:30, I went into my own “starving/bathroom/suffocation” routine. 
【題組】21 According to the passage, how did the Brazilian students feel about going to class late?
(A) They were very ashamed of themselves.
(B) They were very unhappy about being late.
(C) They had no particular feelings about being late.
(D) They kept apologizing to their teacher.

難度: 非常簡單
骨頭(一般警特行政正取) 大四下 (2019/09/29)

particular的解释是:细节, 详细, 特殊的, 特别的

briefly翻譯:短時間地, 短暫地;簡短地, 簡言地, 簡言之,一言以蔽之。

assume翻譯:認可, 假定,假設;臆斷,想當然地認為, 假裝, 冒充,冒稱;假裝, ...
shuffle翻譯:走, 拖著腳走,曳足而行, (因不適、緊張或尷尬而)坐立不安,把腳動來動去

accompanied中文v. 陪伴,伴隨;伴奏(accompany的過去分詞) 
 strain翻譯:壓力, 壓力;拉力,張力;作用力, (肌肉等軟組織的)損傷,拉傷,扭傷, 壓力; 

palliative翻譯:治標藥物,緩解劑;治標措施,保守療法, 權宜之計;緩衝劑;消極措施。
suffocate翻譯:死, (使)窒息而死;(使)悶死, 阻止, 束縛,阻止


Xuan 大二上 (2023/06/21)

我在巴西的課程安排在 10 點到中午。很多同學都遲到了,有的還遲到了。幾個到了 10:30 之後。有幾個出現在接近 11 點的時候。之後有兩個。所有遲到的人都帶著我輕鬆的笑容 來了,後來,享受。每個人都打招呼,雖然有幾個人簡短地道歉,但似乎沒有人非常關心 他們遲到了。他們以為我明白了。回到加利福尼亞的家中,我永遠不需要看時鐘就知道上課時間何時結束。書籍伴隨著緊張的表情,悲傷地說,“我餓了......我必須去 洗手間……再等一秒鐘,我要窒息了。” (疼痛通常在兩歲時變得難以忍受 本科課程的時間為一小時,研究生課程結束前的五分鐘。)中午到了我的第一堂巴西語課時,只有少數學生立即離開。其他人慢慢飄了出來 在接下來的 15 ...


請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題 My class in Brazil w..-阿摩線上測驗