

         Once upon a time there was a king who had three daughters. He wanted to choose one of them to be the queen. He called the daughter to him and said, “My dear children, the one who brings me a birthday present which is most necessary to human life shall be queen. Go and make your plans.”

         The king’s birthday arrived. The two oldest daughters brought him presents that were very necessary, but were also very expensive. However, the youngest daughter only brought him a small pile of salt. When the king saw her present, he became very angry. He told the daughter to leave his castle and never come back.

         The daughter left her father’s castle. She had nowhere to go. As she wandered in the forest, cold and hungry, a prince saw her and fell in love with her at once. She agreed to marry him and a great party was held at the prince’s castle. The king was invited, but he did not know that the bride was his daughter.

        The girl told the cook to make all the dishes for the party with no salt. At the wedding, everyone started eating and they found that the food had no taste. Then the king sighed, “I now know how necessary salt is. But, because I didn’t know that before, I sent my own daughter away and I will never see her again.” Hearing this, the daughter went to the king and made herself known. They all lived happily ever after.

【題組】49 We may infer from the story that .
(A) the king had a good way to choose his successor
(B) no sooner had the king’s daughter left him than he admitted his mistake
(C) the youngest daughter was very wise, but the king failed to see that
(D) the king was not a good leader because he preferred expensive presents

難度: 簡單
黑色五葉草魚 研一上 (2018/05/15)
49 We may infer from ☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆☆ ...

得榮 郵局已上榜謝謝大家 研一上 (2020/12/11)

(C) the youngest daughter was very wise, but the king failed to see that


特雷西斯的苦茶子 高一上 (2021/06/24)

 ( D )國王不是一個好領導,因為他喜歡昂貴的禮物

相信成功,堅持到底。 大一下 (2023/09/22)
We may infer from the story that .
我們可以從這個故事中推斷出 。

(A) the king had a good way to choose his successor (B) no sooner had the king’s daughter left him than he admitted his mistake (C) the youngest daughter was very wise, but the king failed to see that (D) the king was not a good leader because he preferred expensive presents
   (A) 國王選擇接班人的方法很好
   (B) 國王的女兒剛離開他,他就承了自己的錯誤
   (C) 小女兒非常聰明,但國王没有看到這些
   (D) 國王不是一個好領袖,因為他喜歡昂貴的禮物

infer [ɪnˋfɝ] 推斷,推論;猜想
successor  [səkˋsɛsɚ] 繼任者;繼承人...

         Once u..-阿摩線上測驗