
      The typical American throws away about 590 kg. of garbage a year. For the nation as a whole, this 16 160million tons of waste a year, or enough to make a chain of 10-ton garbage trucks halfway to the moon. In the early 1990s,Japan recycled about 50% of its trash; the U.S. only about 10%, 17 estimates of the U.S. Environmental ProtectionAgency. 
      In modern recycling plants, 18 can handle the metals and the glass, but people must separate the plastic by hand,so when people put out the garbage, they must separate the recyclable 19 the non-recyclable materials. Recycling is not a new idea. In emergencies like droughts and wars, people have recycled all kinds of materials andhave been very 20 about how much water and electricity they used. Today we must protect our planet Earth bybringing back the old habit of recycling.

(A) monsters
(B) magazines
(C) masks
(D) machines

難度: 非常簡單
カツ丼食べたい 高三上 (2016/11/08)
克漏字須看前後文推敲文意。"recycling plant"指的是資源分類的設施(.....看完整詳解
相信成功,堅持到底。 大一下 (2023/09/23)

In modern recycling plants,  machines  can handle the metals and the glass, but people must separate the plastic by hand,

18.(D) (A) monsters (B) magazines (C) masks (D) machines
   (A) 怪物,妖怪
   (B) 雜誌
   (C) 假面具;偽裝
   (D) 機器

monster [ˋmɑnstɚ] 怪物,妖怪
mask [mæsk]假面具;偽裝
plant [plænt] 植物,農作物[C];工廠;車間
handle [ˋhænd!] n.柄,把手 v.拿;處理;操作;操縱;指揮
metal  [ˋmɛt!]  金屬;合金
separate [ˋsɛpə͵ret] 分割;使分離
plastic [ˋplæstɪk] 塑膠;塑膠製品;信用卡...

      The typical American throws away a..-阿摩線上測驗