
     There are several folk tales connected with Chinese New Year. One of the most widespread isthat the time of passing from the old year to the new is risky and full of 34 . The Chinese donot call it New Year but “passing the year” or “getting past the year.” Chinese New Year is the mostimportant and popular of Chinese 35 . Its date is fixed traditionally 36 the Chinese lunarcalendar as the second new moon after the winter solstice. It falls somewhere between January 21and February 19 on the Gregorian calendar. 
    On the last day of the year, final preparations are made 37 the family’s New Year’s Evefeast, the highlight of the celebration. Before the meal all doors are sealed with red paper strips to 38 the entrance of evil, and no one may enter or leave 39 they are removed shortlybefore dawn. Red is the special color for good luck on Chinese New Year; all the special things forthe New Year are red: cards, lucky money envelopes and paper for writing lucky sayings. After themeal, gifts are exchanged, and at midnight solemn greetings, family celebrations and traditionalfireworks 40 . The fireworks, which continue for several days, are intended to keep evil spiritsaway.

(A) luck
(B) danger
(C) joy
(D) blessing

難度: 簡單
Pow 大一下 (2019/08/17)
One of the most wide☆☆☆☆☆☆ ☆☆ ...


     There are several fo..-阿摩線上測驗