

請依下文回答第 16 題到第 20 題 
    With spacecraft that can carry tourists into orbit and connect Paris to New York in less than two hours, the new heroes of space travel are not astronauts but daring captains of industry. This new breed of space pioneers are all using private money to push the final frontier as government space programs fall away. Times have changed. Once the space race was led by the likes of the U.S. space agency NASA that put the first man on the moon in 1969. 
    Today it is entrepreneur Elon Musk — the founder of Tesla electric cars and space exploration company Space—who wants to reach Mars in the 2020s. The furthest advanced — and most highly publicized — private space project is led by Richard Branson, the British founder of the Virgin Group. His shuttle, SpaceShipTwo, will be launched at high altitude from a weird-looking four-engined mother ship — which can carry two pilots and up to six passengers —before embarking on a three-hour suborbital flight. 
    Branson and his sons will be the first passengers aboard the shuttle when it is expected to launch late 2014. His company Virgin Galactic was given the green light in May by the U.S. Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) to carry passengers from a base in New Mexico, which is named “Spaceport America” — the stuff of science fiction. 
    The US$250,000 price of a ticket has not deterred more than 600 people, including celebrities such as actor Leonardo Di Caprio, from booking their seats.

【題組】16 According to this passage, when is the first tourists-carrying shuttle scheduled to launch into space?
(A) Late 2014
(B) Early 2015
(C) Late 2015
(D) Early 2016

難度: 非常簡單
糖衣 高二下 (2019/08/02)
太空船可以將游客送入軌道並在不到兩小時的時間內將巴黎連接到紐約,太空旅行的新英雄不是宇航員,而是大膽的工業船長。隨著政府太空計劃的消失,這一新的太空先驅們都在利用私人資金來推動最後的邊界。時代變了。美國太空總署美國宇航局於1969年將第一個登上月球的人帶領太空行星。今天,它是企業家埃隆馬斯克 - 特斯拉電動汽車和太空探索公司Space的創始人 - 他想要到達火星2020年代。最先進的 - 也是最廣為人知的 - 私人空間項目由維珍集團的英國創始人理查德布.....看完整詳解
nini_ 小二上 (2020/11/28)

With spacecraft that can carry tourists into orbit and connect Paris to New York in less than two hours, the new heroes of space travel are not astronauts but daring captains of industry. This new breed of space pioneers are all using private money to push the final frontier as government space programs fall away. Times have changed. Once the space race was led by the likes of the U.S. space agency NASA that put the first man on the moon in 1969. 

    Today it is entrepreneur Elon Musk — the founder of Tesla electric cars and space exploration company Space—who wants to reach Mars in the...

@(司法警察正取) 大三上 (2021/07/25)

all away 疏遠,背叛,變節;背離;(客人等)減少、漸退,隱退,消失、消瘦;變弱;死、分裂,散開

entrepreneur 企業家

請依下文回答第 16 題到第 20 題     With spacecraft ..-阿摩線上測驗