
    Once upon a time I would go out with my friends, staying away until late. We usually had a good time, 23 care.We liked to make merry! Instead of working hard at my studies and helping my old parents, I would catch hold of every chance to have fun. Some of the things I did would make your hair 24 . From time to time I would climb the outside of my student hall and shake hands with the statue that stood on top of the building. Then I would paint it 25 in orange paint. My friends thought this was very funny. My teachers would warn me that I was doomed to failure if I did not work harder.
(A) to and fro
(B) the ins and outs
(C) in abundance
(D) from head to toe

難度: 非常簡單
Jasper 國二下 (2016/09/22)
To and fro 來回地the ins an.....看完整詳解
温季庭 高三下 (2016/06/14)
Then I would paint "it"...
it 是指前面的statue,雕像
所以選(D)from head to toe從頭到腳
骨頭(一般警特行政正取) 大四下 (2019/12/15)

Then I would paint it 25 in orange paint.

(A) to and fro翻譯:往復地;來回地。
(B) the ins and outs翻譯:詳情,細節。
(C) in abundance翻譯:大量;充足;豐富。
(D) head-to-toe從頭到腳的;徹底的

    Once upon a time I would go out with..-阿摩線上測驗