

(C) Research has indicated that dyslexia has biological origins, and most investigators now suspect that dyslexic children read poorly as a result of a highly specific language problem, sometimes called phonological unawareness. Dyslexic children cannot easily learn to read because they have trouble associating printed letters with the sounds of speech. A similar problem occurs in congenitally deaf people who have mastered the linguistic complexities and subtleties of sign language but have trouble learning to read.
    Evidence also exists suggesting that the root cause for much dyslexia is a problem with processing very rapidly changing sensory stimuli. For example, studies have shown that dyslexic children have trouble making accurate distinctions among similar auditory signals. They often cannot hear the differences in speech sounds such as “pah,” “dah,” and “bah.” Recently, differences have been noted between the visual pathways of dyslexics and those of nondyslexics that suggest a comparable problem with fast-changing visual stimuli. Researchers have also found several other neuroanatomical abnormalities in the temporal lobe and in other areas of the brain. All of these studies are extremely valuable in helping researchers understand the mechanisms underlying reading problems so that dyslexic children can be accurately identified and more efficiently helped.

【題組】48. The author compares the problems of dyslexic children with ___________.
(A) dyslexic adults
(B) the subtleties of sign language
(C) the visual pathways of other dyslexics
(D) the problems of congenitally deaf people

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(C) Research has indicated that dyslexia..-阿摩線上測驗