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5、 An Iraqi solider told of how he ______ death by lying for hours among his comrades killed in the atrocity in an incredible tale of survival.
(A) feigned
(B) consigned
(C) arraigned
(D) maligned

難度: 簡單
Joy :) 考上國小英語 高三下 (2016/07/01)
 An Iraqi solider told of how he ______ death->一個伊拉克軍人訴說他如何...死亡藉由躺在死去的戰友旁存活
(A) feigned 假的、假造
(B) consigned 放逐、委託
(C) arraigned 審問
(D) maligned 誹謗
Nothingness 小六下 (2017/03/26)

malign adjective uk ​ /məˈlaɪn/ us ​ /məˈlaɪn/ formal ​ 

causing or intending to cause harm or evil:

Foreign domination had a malign influence on local politics.

She describes pornography as "a malign industry".

Become a tenu 小二下 (2019/10/17)

(A) feigned-pretend; make believe with the intention of deceiving
(B) consigned-to send sth. to sb.
(C) arraigned-to charge/accuse sb. in a court of a particular crime, and ask that person to say if they are guilty or not
(D) maligned-intend to causing harm

5、An Iraqi solider told of how he ______..-阿摩線上測驗