
IV. Cloze Test Though many stories from around the world describe behavioral changes in various animals in the days and hours before an earthquake, research testing animals’ ability to predict earthquakes has been (28). Recently, however, scientists were able to document the behaviors of a group of toads before, during, and after an earthquake. Researchers were studying the breeding habits of a particular group of toads, when, suddenly, 96 percent of the males simply (29) for a five-day period. A significant earthquake and several aftershocks (30) on the fifth day after the departure. Six days after the last aftershock, the males returned and resumed mating, as if (31) had happened. It turns out that prior to the earthquake, there had been subtle changes in the Earth’s magnetic field, and an increase in the amount of radon gas in the groundwater. (32), there were unusual electrical disturbances in the upper atmosphere.
(A) left
(B) formed
(C) went
(D) occurred

難度: 非常簡單
Hong(2018成功上岸 高三下 (2017/04/29)
(D)occurred +on  發生 (☆)☆☆☆☆+...

Michelle 高三下 (2020/03/29)

occur 發生( =更加正式的happen )

occurred on 發生於

Phoebe 高三下 (2021/06/30)


Though many stories from around the world describe behavioral changes in various animals in the days and hours before an earthquake, research testing animals’ ability to predict earthquakes has been rare. Recently, however, scientists were able to document the behaviors of a group of toads(蟾蜍) before, during, and after an earthquake. Researchers were studying the breeding(配種) habits of a particular group of toads, when, suddenly, 96 percent of the males simply disappeared for a five-day period. A significant earthquake and several aftershocks occured on the fifth day after th...


IV. Cloze Test Though many stories from..-阿摩線上測驗