
53. A: She’s always criticizing others for their sloppiness, but her clothing is also unkempt! B: Yes, ________.
(A) never judge a book by its cover
(B) familiarity breeds contempt
(C) never look a gift horse in the mouth
(D) people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

難度: 適中
restar 高二上 (2018/05/08)

unkempt 不整潔的

Lucia Chen 高三下 (2019/05/29)

(A) never judge a book by its cover 不能以貌取人

(B) familiarity breeds contempt 指關係太過親近,導致有時候失去分寸,少了禮貌,變得不尊重對方。

(C) never look a gift horse in the mouth 別揣測禮物的價值

(D) people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones 批評別人之前要先檢討自己是不是也有過失

Become a tenu 幼兒園下 (2019/08/26)

(A) never judge a book by its cover -don't prejudice people only by its outward appearance
(B) familiarity breeds contempt -you stop showing respect to someone you know very well because you have seen all of his/her bad qualities
(C) never look a gift horse in the mouth -not to refuse sth good / be grateful when you receive the gift

(D) people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones -never criticize someone's bad qualities when you also have them yourself

53. A: She’s always criticizing others f..-阿摩線上測驗