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請依下文回答第 39 題至第 43 題: 
   In recent years, the sudden disappearance of bees has concerned scientists. When many bees are absent from the earth, this will have a great impact on people’s life because many kinds of food such as fruits, vegetables, meats, milk, and eggs will be gone with bees. As a result, many scientists have already found out the reasons why many bees are vanishing from the earth. Some of these causes include climate change and serious food shortages for bees. But a major risk is the use of pesticides that can make bees become puzzled, bring less pollen home, and even unable to find their way home. In some of the worst cases, pesticides can harm bees’ immune systems and make them endangered by the threats of parasites. In order to save the bees and protect our environment, some people have already gone organic by not using pesticides when planting flowers, vegetables, and fruits. And to our great delight, scientists have also discovered the way to kill those parasites that are deadly to bees. Despite these great efforts made to save the bees, it is still the increasing awareness of environmental protection that can eventually protect our bees from disappearing.

【題組】40 According to the passage, why is the absence of bees on earth so vital to humans?
(A)Because it tells us about the reason of climate change.
(B)Because it makes humans realize the usage of pesticides to bees.
(C)Because it takes away many sources of food from humans.
(D)Because it lets people know the importance of science.

難度: 非常簡單
信穎吳 大二下 (2016/11/17)
根據經文,為什麼在地球上沒有蜜蜂對人類至關重要? (A)因為它告訴我們氣候變化的原因。 (B)因為它使人類意識到殺蟲劑對蜜蜂的使用。 (C)因為它從人類中奪走了許多食物來源。 (D)因為它讓人們知道科學的重要性。
“勞謙君子,有終吉” 研一下 (2018/05/23)


Andy 大四下 (2021/09/12)


請依下文回答第 39 題至第 43 題:  In recent yea..-阿摩線上測驗