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19 陳小姐為知名律師,1 小時鐘點費$10,000,可視情況打九折。X1 年 5 月 20 日甲慈善基金會舉辦募款 義賣活動,陳小姐律師自願無償從事義賣場清潔活動,耗時 5 小時。則甲慈善基金會應認列之「勞務捐贈」金額為何?

難度: 簡單
gocpa2020 (2020/08/08)

Contributed Services
SFAS 116.9 (1993) Contributions of services shall be recognized if the services received (a) create or enhance
nonfinancial assets or (b) require specialized skills, are provided by individuals possessing those skills, and
would typically need to be purchased if not provided by donation. Services requiring specialized skills are
provided by accountants, architects, carpenters, doctors, electricians, lawyers, nurses, plumbers, teachers,
and other professionals and craftsmen. Contributed services and promises to give services that do not meet the
above criteria shall not be reco...

19 陳小姐為知名律師,1 小時鐘點費$10,000,可視情況打九折。X1 年 ..-阿摩線上測驗