
Passage #3 Medicine in the Middle Ages was dominated by religion. Sickness was believed to be a punishment from God for sins committed and the only way to cure someone was to pray for their forgiveness. Doctors in the Middle Ages were usually priests or other religious scholars. Hospitals often sprang up in monasteries and other religious establishments. The patients were given food and comforted by religious nursing staff but little else was done to cure their illness. Traditional cures, using herbal remedies and potions, were seen as witchcraft and outlawed by the church. Laws stated that only trained and registered people could practice medicine. Schools and universities began to educate wealthy individuals in religion, the arts, law and medicine. Generally men, and occasionally a few women, were trained and allowed to become physicians. As universities developed, more and more came from a non-religious background and eventually it was not necessary to be a cleric to practice medicine. The biggest challenge to medieval medicine came in the form of the Black Death, or Bubonic Plague. In 1347, an outbreak of Bubonic Plague broke out in Istanbul (modern day Turkey). Traders soon carried the disease throughout Europe and records show that in some areas it killed up to 90% of the population. That is the equivalent of 49 million people in the UK today. We now know that Bubonic Plague is a form of highly contagious and fatal pneumonia. During the Middle Ages, the only treatments were superstitious remedies, prayer, herbal medicines and recipes for clearing the air of miasma or poison. The plague was considered to be a punishment from God and so public health was not considered to be important. There was never any attempt to control the many rats that infested villages and towns and carried the disease. This was one of the main reasons that the plague was so devastating.
【題組】49. Which of the following statements concerning the Black Death is NOT TRUE?
(A) It was the biggest challenge to medieval medicine.
(B) In the fourteenth century, an outbreak of Bubonic Plague broke out in Istanbul.
(C) The international businessmen considerably extended the affected areas.
(D) In the Middle Ages, people knew that the Bubonic Plague was contagious and infectious.

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Passage #3 Medicine in the Middle Ages ..-阿摩線上測驗